Are parents too lazy to watch their child when they are in public to make sure they don't run off? Are parents too lazy to hold their child's hand or call their name if they step away? Better question, are parents too lazy to teach their children that they shouldn't run off when they are in a public place and they need to stay with mommy or daddy? These children who are put on leashes must feel so unloved. Maybe they don't know any better, but think about the difference between a child on a leash and a child walking by their mommy holding her hand. It must have some pyschological impact on them, even if we haven't observed it yet. It makes me so sad to see that this is what the world has come to. We depend on other people and automated systems so much to do things for us, that now parents depend on a leash to keep their child in sight.
Some parents might argue that it keeps the kids safe from being kidnapped, but if someone really wanted to kidnap your child, why wouldnt they just grab him with the leash and pull you down? And why can't you be observant and careful enough with your children to make sure they aren't kidnapped? Is it too much work? Some parents argue that if they have twins or triplets it is impossible to keep track of them, and this is just helpful. Well, mom's survived fine with twins or triplets before leashes came along, it is possible. Children are not pets, they deserve to be respected as human beings, and they deserve to be loved. Parenting is work, and if you are going to be a parent you should deal with that.
Everything that is created these days is aimed to make life easier, but when is it going to stop? Are we going to have little robots to shower us and dress us? Although some of these things are appreciated, i don't think it is for the good of society. Because it is making us into lazy people, and why would we work when we can have something do the work for us?
By the way, the monkey on the leash does not make it cute or any better.
So, I thought of this post today when I was on the plane and the man next to me put his little (maybe 2 year old) daughter on the floor under his seat to sleep. Yes, on the floor. Under his seat. Like luggage. The man then proceeded to put down his tray table and read a book. I couldn't believe it. I kept glancing down to make sure the kid was ok while the dad may have looked down once. He was too into his book. I really could not believe it! Apparently, it was too much work for the poor girl to sleep in his lap so he put her on the floor! These people should not be allowed to be parents!