Everyone has things they do that are weird, OCD, or just signature traits of them. My friends and family have made it clear to me that my "thing" is saying the words "sorry" and "thank you" way too much. Instead of saying sorry for things that really are my fault, I end up saying sorry for things that are completely out of my control, but I just say it out of sympathy. For example, my mom says she couldn't sleep last night... and I say sorry. My sister says she's out of milk... and I say sorry. I reach next to the person sitting next to me to pull out the writing surface... and I say sorry. When I used to play tennis, if the person I was hitting with missed the ball, I would say sorry. The same thing goes for thank you. It's not really that I say it for things I don't need to say it for, but I say thank you for the same thing multiple times. I think I just want people to feel good, to know I appreciate whatever they did. Nevertheless, I find my friends and family asking me, "what exactly are you sorry for?" When they ask me, I realize there really isn't anything to be sorry for. I'm just the type of person that feels bad too much.
Now my question is, is this really a problem? Are the little things we do taking away from our happiness, are they unnecessary in a bad way, or are they just things that we do that make us who we are? Obviously if someone has a habit of killing people, it isn't just something they do that makes them who they are. But things that people do like, eating tic tacs in even numbers, couting their steps, or another trait of mine - being obsessed with things being symmetrical. In the case of sorry and thank you, I've realized it is better to be over polite than not polite enough. Sure it may be unnecessary, and it may make me feel bad for no reason, but wouldn't you rather hear thank you multiple times than not at all? I think these little things people do are what makes them unique. So I say don't be ashamed of the things you do, don't feel weird or OCD, but be proud of every little part of who you are. It's better to be interesting and unique, and even "weird!" So, flaunt it.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
My Bakery
One of the things I would love to do in my life is open a bakery. I absolutely love baking. Besides the obvious fact that sweets are so incredibly delicious, I love the fact that a baked good can automatically brighten someone's day. No matter how horrible of a day you are having, if someone hands you a homemade cupcake, your day is automatically made better. Baked goods are the center of parties and happy occassions from weddings to birthday parties, and I think it would be so great to create things that make those events special. I would love to learn how to make beautiful cakes, and here are some sketches I've made of hopefully some future cakes!

This was my first attempt at cake decorating with dying the frosting, and using frosting tubes. It was for my birthday last year. :)
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Keep Our Kids In Jasper!
Around my neighborhood lately I've been seeing signs that say "Keep Our Kids In Jasper!" In Plano, schools are divided a little differently. Schools are seperated into ninth and tenth grade as the high schools, and then the senior high schools are just eleventh and twelfth grade. Plano is in this big ordeal right now trying to re-zone the district, meaning some middle school kids will be going to a different 9/10 high school. I went to Jasper High School, which is one of the dorkier, higher test score, high schools. This change would have some kids going to less dorky, not quite as high scores, high schools. This is my problem with it. Are parents really going to complain about which plano school their kid goes to? First of all, Plano ISD is one of the top school districts in the nation. I highly doubt that if your kid goes to a different school for ninth and tenth grade that their education will suffer. Second of all, even if the other high schools have lower test scores than Jasper, that doesn't mean they are low. They are still considerably high compared to other schools and districts. Third of all, is it really necessary to make a website (www.keepourkidsatjasper.org), and put signs in your yards? Do these people really have a right to complain about this? There are people in the world who would kill for an education, and some people here are worried about which plano school their kid will be attending. Seems to me like some people either have too much time on their hands, or seriously need a reality check. Your kid is growing up in Plano, Texas, which was voted as one of the top 10 places to grow up in the nation. Your kid lives in a great neighborhood, and gets a great education. Don't you think sometimes we could afford to stop complaining?
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Deserted Divas
Many of you may have heard of or seen the show "Dallas Divas and Daughters," showing the lives of upper class, snobby, well divas in the Dallas area. These teenage girls and their mothers can be seen going to a polo match, going to debutate lessons, and hair/makeup/tanning, etc. This show is pretty disgusting and shocking. People like this really exist? And in our own city? So, my thought is to teach these girls a lesson. Take these girls, and tell them they are going on an island getaway. Then, when they get there, take all their stuff, and leave them on the island with nothing except necessities for survival. See who breaks first, or better question who breaks last? The girls will have to learn to survive without their flat irons, make up, and fake nails. The girls will also have to complete survival lessons complete from building a hut to cooking bugs and fish. Similar to the concept of "Survivor," except these girls did not sign up for this, meaning it is much more entertaining. There will also be scenarios such as placing a flat iron on the top of a mountain and seeing which girls will go for it, and who will get it first. This should teach these Divas a little life lesson. Dallas Divas and Daughters? No. Deserted Divas!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Have you ever thought about what you would do if you didn't have to go to school, or work, or have any obligations whatsoever? If you were given the gift of time, what would you do with it? This may seem like something you hear people say when they find out they only have so long to live, but with the last couple days off from school, it got me thinking. So if I had no obligations, here is what I would do:
1. Design my dream house from the ground up, and do all the interior design myself.
2. Spend a year doing teach for america, or another program as a teacher for less fortunate kids.
3. Spend a year being a party planner
4. Travel to Egypt to stay with my grandparents and learn everything about them.
5. Travel to every continent with my family
6. Take baking classes and learn how to decorate beautiful cakes
7. Study the Bible cover to cover
8. Play the lottery every day until I win
9. Become like Nancy Drew and go around solving random mysteries
10. Learn how to dance, every type of dance.
That's my top 10, in no particular order. What would you do? After you have your list, take these things one by one and make time to do it. :)
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever." - Ghandi
1. Design my dream house from the ground up, and do all the interior design myself.
2. Spend a year doing teach for america, or another program as a teacher for less fortunate kids.
3. Spend a year being a party planner
4. Travel to Egypt to stay with my grandparents and learn everything about them.
5. Travel to every continent with my family
6. Take baking classes and learn how to decorate beautiful cakes
7. Study the Bible cover to cover
8. Play the lottery every day until I win
9. Become like Nancy Drew and go around solving random mysteries
10. Learn how to dance, every type of dance.
That's my top 10, in no particular order. What would you do? After you have your list, take these things one by one and make time to do it. :)
"Live as if you were to die tomorrow, learn as if you were to live forever." - Ghandi
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
What Would You Do For Money?
For some reason, my family is big on hypothetical situations. For example, would you eat a pazookie (big cookie with ice cream) everyday for a year for a million dollars? I saw this recently and wondered how honest and ethical our country still is.
now, did this little girl genuinely find interest in the United States government and international leaders? Or did her parents simply find an opportunity? Then I saw a new movie preview...
The parents of a sick boy are given the choice to get a million dollars by pressing this button, but someone in the world will die.
Has our world become more and more focused on just acquiring money? People these days seem to just be looking for ways to make money. It seems like in the old days, money was seeked but not to the lengths that it is today. Is it the economy, is it the fact that there is just more to desire today, or is it just a shift in the world? Whichever reason, the world seems to run not for happiness or love, but for the acquisition of money.
now, did this little girl genuinely find interest in the United States government and international leaders? Or did her parents simply find an opportunity? Then I saw a new movie preview...
The parents of a sick boy are given the choice to get a million dollars by pressing this button, but someone in the world will die.
Has our world become more and more focused on just acquiring money? People these days seem to just be looking for ways to make money. It seems like in the old days, money was seeked but not to the lengths that it is today. Is it the economy, is it the fact that there is just more to desire today, or is it just a shift in the world? Whichever reason, the world seems to run not for happiness or love, but for the acquisition of money.
Monday, October 12, 2009
You Only Get One Face
As I started off fall break Friday afternoon, I took a trip to the mall with my mom and my sister. My sister and I made our way to the Christian Dior counter so she could stock up on make up. We were greeted by a middle aged, perfectly groomed, eyeliner and eyeshadow wearing, extremely knowledgable, if he stood still would look like a manequin, sales assosiate. After my sister purchased her makeup, he turned to me and asked, "So what about you? (My double quote key has just stopped working, urg.) So I told him Well, I don't wear make up. He replied, what about skin care? I told him I washed my face... with walmart olay facewash... He shook his head and simply said You only get one face.
I realized how right he was. Not about the skin care or makeup, but about life. You only get one shot, one life, one chance to enjoy it, one face. So why not go all out? Why not get the nicer car, order extra cheese on your pizza, ride your bike in the park on a Sunday afternoon? Why should we cut back on things that will make us happy, or only get things that are necessary for survival? Of course, this must be within reason. I am not saying go out and buy everything you want, quit school, eat cookies all day, and just wander around. But don't deprive yourself of something you want just because it is five bucks more or has a couple hundred extra calories. Live your life, don't just glide through, but really live it. After all, you only have one face.
I realized how right he was. Not about the skin care or makeup, but about life. You only get one shot, one life, one chance to enjoy it, one face. So why not go all out? Why not get the nicer car, order extra cheese on your pizza, ride your bike in the park on a Sunday afternoon? Why should we cut back on things that will make us happy, or only get things that are necessary for survival? Of course, this must be within reason. I am not saying go out and buy everything you want, quit school, eat cookies all day, and just wander around. But don't deprive yourself of something you want just because it is five bucks more or has a couple hundred extra calories. Live your life, don't just glide through, but really live it. After all, you only have one face.
Saturday, October 10, 2009
Leggings Are Not Pants.
I've noticed a big increase in this trend lately, and it's not a good one. For some reason, girls think it is acceptable to not wear pants. Apparently, leggings are the new substitute for pants. Leggings are no longer worn under long dresses or skirts, but are now worn with normal length shirts that girls pull down to make look longer. Is it comfortable? Even if it is.. we have survived in jeans until now, so it doesn't mean you have to resort to basically not wearing pants. Is it warm? I highly doubt it, since it's thin cotton material. Is it stylish? Well no, that's a definite no. Do you want to show off your butt? Well then, that is another whole problem in itself. I think someone just started doing it, and everyone else followed, which is the way it usually goes.
The bottom line is, leggings are not pants. No matter how skinny you are, it does not look good. If they were pants, they would be called pants. But they aren't.
So girls, just wear pants. please.
The bottom line is, leggings are not pants. No matter how skinny you are, it does not look good. If they were pants, they would be called pants. But they aren't.
So girls, just wear pants. please.

Thursday, October 8, 2009
So You Want to be a Parent?
As I've started working at a tutoring program, I have noticed a few things. But one thing I have noticed in particular... there are too many bad parents in the world. There are parents that seem to never teach their children respect, discipline, or even just the difference between right and wrong. I understand there are cultural differences, and socioeconomic differences, but kids really deserve better. I think the government needs to start issuing tests or preparation programs for people who want to be parents. In order to control who is really taking it, children will not be admitted into the school system until their parent(s) have completed and passed this course. I also know there are different parenting styles, but the main facts remain the same. Kids need to know not to talk bad, they need to respect authority, they need to know not to hit people, and so many things that seem like common sense are just lost from so many kids. So parents, please, for the sake of the world, put a little effort in raising your children. I mean, after are, the children are our future. So, treat them well and let them lead the way! (thanks Whitney)
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Spice Up Your Life!
On my way to school this morning, I stopped behind a taxi at a red light. At least I thought it was a taxi... But, in fact, it was much much more. What seemed an ordinary minivan taxi was actually "KAREOKE CAB!" I'm the type of person that sings obnoxiously in the car, all the time, sings and dances in dressing rooms, will quote the line of a song if something you say has the words of a song in it, and of course, has my own kareoke machine which is the highlight of every birthday and family gathering. So obviously, my first impression was.. "NO WAY! HOW COOL!" And right I was. So, I decided to look up this new discovery... and here it is...(as you click on the site, PLEASE turn your speakers on)
If you turned your speakers on you will notice the interesting choice of song, "Stuck on You," for the home page. This guy, from Nigeria, first started out as a normal cab driver... until he pimped his cab and added kareoke. First off, I'd like to say you go kareoke cab guy! People like this make me happy. They take something ordinary and make it so much more than it was. This was his shining moment of creativity, and I love it. If everyone did something like this, imagine how much more fun the world would be? I don't know about you, but I would love to jam out to Spice Girls while I'm in a cab. Even better, imagine if the entire world was filled with music, all the time. You could walk around anywhere and there would be fun music blasting throughout the world. Imagine how many people would be automatically in a better mood.
Sure, this guy's website may look like too many myspace backgrounds with strange music playing, but at the bottom he says "Let's Party!" And I agree. Let's each make the world a little brighter by doing something to spice it up.
If you turned your speakers on you will notice the interesting choice of song, "Stuck on You," for the home page. This guy, from Nigeria, first started out as a normal cab driver... until he pimped his cab and added kareoke. First off, I'd like to say you go kareoke cab guy! People like this make me happy. They take something ordinary and make it so much more than it was. This was his shining moment of creativity, and I love it. If everyone did something like this, imagine how much more fun the world would be? I don't know about you, but I would love to jam out to Spice Girls while I'm in a cab. Even better, imagine if the entire world was filled with music, all the time. You could walk around anywhere and there would be fun music blasting throughout the world. Imagine how many people would be automatically in a better mood.
Sure, this guy's website may look like too many myspace backgrounds with strange music playing, but at the bottom he says "Let's Party!" And I agree. Let's each make the world a little brighter by doing something to spice it up.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Rain or Shine
As I drove through the pouring rain and grey skies, (of course, it had been sunny 10 minutes earlier), I wondered what kind of effect the weather has on a person. Personally, I hate rainy days. It makes the world seem a little sad, and I would much rather be walking through 100 degrees and sunny skies. So, if the weather makes an impact someone personally, what other kinds of effects could it have on their lives? Let's say two people, Sally and George, had an interview for a great job at thte same company. Sally's interview was the day before George's interview, and it just happened to be a day when it was 75 degrees, sunny, and pretty much perfect. Sally woke up with a smile on her face as she looked out her window to the beautiful world. She got ready, and drove to the interview with her windows down and music playing loud. On the other hand, George wakes up the next day to rain hutting his window. He rolls out of bed and drives to the interview in rainy day traffic, and gets his shoes muddy and wet on the way up to the interview. Who do you think had a better attitude when they walked into the interview? Who had a better interview? Sure, some people may like rainy weather, but for some the difference between rain and sunshine can affect their attitudes. Rainy days may in part be responsible for lower motivation at work, lower productivity, and even lower test scores. Who knows what the world would be like if everyday was a sunny day.
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