Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Spice Up Your Life!

On my way to school this morning, I stopped behind a taxi at a red light. At least I thought it was a taxi... But, in fact, it was much much more. What seemed an ordinary minivan taxi was actually "KAREOKE CAB!" I'm the type of person that sings obnoxiously in the car, all the time, sings and dances in dressing rooms, will quote the line of a song if something you say has the words of a song in it, and of course, has my own kareoke machine which is the highlight of every birthday and family gathering. So obviously, my first impression was.. "NO WAY! HOW COOL!" And right I was. So, I decided to look up this new discovery... and here it is...(as you click on the site, PLEASE turn your speakers on)


If you turned your speakers on you will notice the interesting choice of song, "Stuck on You," for the home page. This guy, from Nigeria, first started out as a normal cab driver... until he pimped his cab and added kareoke. First off, I'd like to say you go kareoke cab guy! People like this make me happy. They take something ordinary and make it so much more than it was. This was his shining moment of creativity, and I love it. If everyone did something like this, imagine how much more fun the world would be? I don't know about you, but I would love to jam out to Spice Girls while I'm in a cab. Even better, imagine if the entire world was filled with music, all the time. You could walk around anywhere and there would be fun music blasting throughout the world. Imagine how many people would be automatically in a better mood.

Sure, this guy's website may look like too many myspace backgrounds with strange music playing, but at the bottom he says "Let's Party!" And I agree. Let's each make the world a little brighter by doing something to spice it up.

1 comment:

  1. That is SOO cool!! I'm already trying to think of any day that we can do this! Or any other intersting ideas...
