Monday, November 9, 2009


I live in a very suburban city, Plano, TX. People even refer to living in Plano as "living in the bubble." Plano is basically tons of neighborhoods, parks, and schools. Teenagers who live in Plano usually complain that Plano is a boring city to live in . You either go to the mall, the movies, or you eat. The other day, I took a walk around this city I grew up in, and I found something interesting...

Sure, Plano might not have exciting things to do, but there it has it's own quiet beauty. This made me realize, everything has beauty. Even if it seems dull or ugly, if you look close enough you will find something beautiful in it. So if the day seems like it isn't going your way, if you drive by a low income neighborhood, if you hate your job or your boss, just remember that everything and everyone has beauty somewhere, you just have to find it.

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